
Logistieke transportdata nu toegankelijker voor beleid

Actuele transportdata zijn een belangrijke indicator voor de stand van de economie voor beleidsmakers. Met de Vehicle Emission Shipment Data Interface (VESDI) realiseren het CBS, Topsector Logistiek en brancheorganisatie Transport en Logistiek…

Disappearing traffic: what do we know?

Urban planning professionals refer to the ‘theory’ of disappearing traffic in the recent debate about major traffic interventions. After traffic interventions, traffic magically evaporates. What do we know about this theory? Does…

How is shared e-scooter regulation shaping the market?

Expanding in number from virtually nothing in 2017 to a peak of 350 million trips among leading global players in 2022, shared e-kickscooters have caught the attention of regulators worldwide. McKinsey identified…

Overview of walking policies in Europe and North America

Walking is the most sustainable means of daily travel for short trip distances and is a key component of the overall urban transport system. A recent scientific paper documents variations in walking…

What should be in every local city logistics plan?

Local authorities have five roles in city logistics: regulate and enforce, facilitate, stimulate, coordinate, and experiment. What eight elements should be in every city logistics plan? Those plans should provide clear guidance…

Walther Ploos van Amstel  

Passie in logistiek & supply chain management